What is Befriending?
Everyone needs other people, but not everyone has someone. For people who become isolated because of ill health, disability or social disadvantage, being matched with a Befriender often fills a big gap. Befriending offers supportive, reliable relationships through volunteer befrienders to people who would otherwise be socially isolated. (Befriending Networks UK)
Befriending Lewis exists so that people who are suffering from the impact of feelings of loneliness and isolation start to feel connected to other people in a positive way again. For some, this might mean being encouraged to take small steps and connecting via telephone or engaging in face to face Befriending and for others it might mean helping them to mix in groups with other people whilst being supported one to one with their Befriender. Each person is different and we help people to find the best way for them to feel less isolated, take control of their lives and gain a sense of belonging.
Why we do it ...
Befriending Lewis was launched in November 2015, it was in response to feedback from our community that the service was urgently needed all around Lewis.
Befriending Lewis works on ground level to directly tackle isolation and loneliness in the lives of people living in Lewis. Our aim is to reach out to people who are isolated and lonely, people who have very little or no social contact with other people – elderly, physically disabled, people with learning disabilities, people with mental health problems, ex-offenders re-integrating back into society, people leading chaotic lifestyles due to addiction, settling asylum seekers, and other people who are lonely or isolated due to a variety of different reasons.